Vinyl Lattice

How to Install Vinyl Lattice [Part 1]

  When you Google lattice installation you may notice the first topic is lattice skirting. It seems the next topic is how to cut lattice. We’re going to share a few of our installation suggestions as well as ways our customers have installed our lattice in their projects.

Is Channel Mandatory When Installing Vinyl Lattice?

When you ask us, the manufacturer of the DuraShell® and Decorative 3D lattice if you have to use channel, we need to know more about your project. Permalatt has suggestions for installation but not a set in stone method.  You see, every project is different.  Oh sure, there are the common projects, but with so…

What Can You Do With Vinyl Lattice?

Vinyl lattice has evolved from being used just as fence toppers to being used in any project you can imagine. So what can you do with lattice? Anything and everything! Here are a few photos showing what the end result can look like in several different types of projects. Take a look!